You might be aware of the benefits of video content and you might be curious to see if it would work for your company. That’s wonderful. However, if you have never created videos before, it might be difficult to come up with ideas about what and who to show in them. To help you out, we have put together seven easy ways you can use video inside and outside of your company. The best thing about these ideas is that if you know your company and your customers, you are halfway there. The only thing left is to get inspired and start creating videos!
Introduce yourself and what you do
How about saying hello to your audience with a video instead of a lengthy paragraph that almost no one will read? The aim of an introductory video is to first explain who you are – both as an individual if you choose to feature one, and as a company. Then, your video should tell the viewer what it is that you do in a few simple and straightforward sentences. Investing in an introductory video has undeniable benefits when used in websites as it increases the likelihood of rating on Google’s first page by 53%.
A tip from Zaran: Keep the video at or under 90 seconds! This simple trick will increase the chances of the viewer watching the video until the end.

Tell a story about your company
Have you heard the term “business storytelling”? It refers to using a story-like narrative to position a brand in the market. What was the motivation to start the business? What challenges did you overcome in the beginning? Who you are serving and why? Your audience is interested in knowing more about your company and you can tell the answers to these questions as a story. Doing so in a video format will make you stand out even more. You can also use this technique to tell a video story about the journey of your employees and leaders.
A tip from Zaran: Stories usually follow a clear structure and therefore, storytelling videos benefit from being well thought-through. Luckily for you, here at Zaran, we can help you right from the script, through production till the final video is ready for publishing (and even with the distribution to the right channels afterwards!).
Showcase your product or service with an explainer video
There are many ways to use explainer videos. The most popular choices are videos breaking down and showing features of your product or service – this is the fastest way for any client to get to know what you offer in a simple and eye-pleasing way; videos where your new and improved product is tested against an older model or a similar inferior product is also an idea. Explainer videos are an excellent way to boost your sales! In fact, 8 out of 10 people have purchased a product or service after watching a video about it.
A tip from Zaran: An explainer video should speak loud & clear through your brand’s language. We can help translate your message in the most compelling way!

Use video for internal content
By now more than 90% of companies use video and around 85% of them do so for internal purposes such as leadership announcements, introducing new practices or educating employees on how to perform a certain task. Additionally, videos can be a great addition to your human resources communication. You can promote the need and importance of performance management reviews or use video in your onboarding initiatives to introduce new hires to the company’s mission, values and structure.
A tip from Zaran: Having your company’s leaders in front of the camera can boost trust, engagement & morale within your organisation! Not sure what kind of internal video you need? We can help you decide! Contact us here and let’s work together.
Educate your customers through videos
There are two ways to use educational videos to promote your company. You can establish yourself as a leader in your niche by sharing how-to knowledge. For example, if you are a construction company, consider posting short videos explaining how to use power tools or how to fix a common issue at home such as a leaking sink. Another way you can educate your audience is by increasing awareness of global or local issues, causes or movements and explaining how your service or product relates to them. For an NGO supporting sustainability, this can be a video showing the harmful effect fast fashion has on the environment and how your organization’s efforts promote second-hand shopping.
A tip from Zaran: Consider an animated how-to video. You can include motion, text and various sound effects to make the video more engaging and fun to watch. Teach your clients the best practises for your product/service and the benefits they can get & how!
Share testimonials
Satisfied customers are your best ambassadors. Consider featuring people who are passionate about your product or service in short videos. Capture them explaining how they found you, how your product or service has helped them with a problem and why they recommend you to others. This type of social proof content can boost not only your brand’s trustworthiness but also your sales as research shows that two out of three people are more likely to make a purchase after watching a testimonial video.
A tip from Zaran: This can be a great marketing campaign! We can help create such a campaign from scratch.

Thank your customers
Having a loyal audience is important for every business. You can use videos to thank your customers for being a part of your company’s story and success. Consider posting such content when you have reached an important milestone or after a campaign for which you have asked your audiences for help. You can also create “thank you” videos around anniversaries as a look back at how far your customers and your company have come together.
A tip from Zaran: “Thank you” videos are a great way to strengthen the relationship with your existing clients as well as increasing brand awareness towards new clients – it shows that you care and definitely makes your brand stand out.
If you have enjoyed our expert tips and are curious to know more, feel free to contact us below. We will be more than happy to have a chat with you about all things video content!